*Thomas, Sarah, ‘The New Brutalism: Agency, Embodiment and Performance in Daniel Craig’s 007’, Journal of Popular Film & Television (in press 2017) [journal article]
The casting and spectacular body of Daniel Craig has had a major impact on the reinvention of Bond as a more brutal (and brutalized) character and on the films’ representations of masculinity and power. This article examines Craig’s acting, and in doing so, repositions Craig as an active creative agent in the construction of Bond, as well as an embodiment of Bond. Craig’s Bond may reject sophistication and ornamentation but Craig does not give an unsophisticated performance. In Craig’s economical performance, continuities can be observed between his technique and the architectural movement, the New Brutalism. In this sense, the article redefines Craig as “object” and “architect,” exploring what is shown in Craig’s Bond and how the actor achieves this.
Available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01956051.2018.1423208?src=recsys&journalCode=vjpf20
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